Fauna: (mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians)


Naturally, rich and diverse flora is accompanied by rich fauna. Small herds of wild goat chamois), this beautiful and very rare antelopes of the Balkan mountains, find refuge at a higher altitude, higher than the accessible alpine meadows, along the steepest slopes and remote tree clusters. Lower, in the forests, meadows and the fields we come across bear, deer, wild pig, hare, a few wolves, wild cats and a great number of small mammals.

Fish, birds and amphibians

The rivers in the area are host to 15 fish species: trout, roach, nase, gypsy fish, eels, etc. Their presence is proof that the waters are clean. In Gramos we also come across 142 bird species, a
large number for a mountain area. Among them are 21 kinds of vultures, as the rare goshawk, montagu's
harrier and the red-footed falcon, golden eagle and even the small Egyptian vulture.

From the equally rich reptile and amphibian fauna, we will point out the alpine triturus newt, the 'fish with legs'. The crystal lakes and springs of Mt. Gramos host all three newt species found in Greece, the common newt, the crested newt and the alpine newt.

Ελληνική έκδοση

Useful Links

Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning & Public works

Ministry of rural development and food

Ministry of development

Greek Biotope/ Wetland Centre
